Baw Baw Hangout - School Strike 4 Climate Action
Inspiring and eye-opening documentaries and short films, popcorn, hot chocolate, and opportunities to create art pieces for our planet earth.
Time & Location
30 Nov 2018, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Baw Baw Sustainability Network, 79 Princes Hwy, Yarragon VIC, Australia
About the Event
Throughout November, students across Australia are temporarily striking from school to call for urgent political action on climate change.
On November 30th, Baw Baw Sustainability Network will put on inspiring and eye-opening documentaries and short films, popcorn, hot chocolate, and opportunities to create art pieces for our planet earth.
All school-aged humans and their parents/guardians are welcome, and we'll always have at least 2 WWCC certified people present. If you arrive early, you can pop into Fozigobble cafe for a cuppa of snack :)
Getting here by train:
9:04 Drouin - 9:09 Warragul - 9:16 Yarragon
10:04 Drouin - 10:09 Warragul - 10:16 Yarragon
11:22 Drouin - 11:27 Warragul - 11:34 Yarragon
12:26 Drouin - 12:32 Warragul - 12:39 Yarragon
1:23 Drouin - 1:29 Warragul - 1:36 Yarragon
9:38 Moe - 9:44 Trafalgar - 9:49 Yarragon
10:38 Moe - 10:44 Trafalgar - 10:49 Yarragon
11:38 Moe - 11:44 Trafalgar - 11:49 Yarragon
12:38 Moe - 12:44 Trafalgar - 12:49 Yarragon
1:32 Moe - 1:40 Trafalgar - 1:47 Yarragon
Of course you can come from further afield if you want!
See the original website
Free entry
$0.00Sale ended