This garden and sheep farm set high in the hills overlooking Yarragon has been
developed over 35 years. The vegetable garden has raised beds bordered by old
sleepers where seasonal vegies are grown as well as many self-seeding edibles
such as silver beet, lettuces, leeks and parsley. Old laundry troughs provide
warmer growing conditions which is useful in winter. Fertiliser and mulch are
provided from composting kitchen scraps, weeds and mulched garden prunings
as well as sheep crutchings and old hay. A new orchard is planted with citrus, a
range of fruit trees and berries. A large ornamental garden surrounds the house
with deciduous trees for winter sun and summer shading, and native trees and
shrubs for shelter and habitat for birds. A well established chestnut tree in the
paddock is a prolific bearer.
Eurabbie is part of Creative Harvest, January 18-19th 2020. It is part of the
Saturday bus tour.

Thanks foor the post