This Trafalgar South garden is a young food garden, mostly being planted over the previous
five years. Being a diverse mixture of fruit, vegetables and herbs, the intention is to provide as much of the family of four’s food requirements as possible. The berries are the most
advanced, followed by numerous fruit trees and vegetables planted with the seasons.
Fertilised with manure from the house cow and chickens, the garden is based on organic
principles with dolomite lime being the most used additive. Wooden edged vegetable plots,
many with fixed trellis to support climbing crops are separated by sawdust covered paths and
where the garden extends down the slope terracing is used. Areas are separated with espalier fruit trees and vines.
The produce is preserved by various methods including bottling and canning in order to
spread the harvest over the whole year. Although south facing, the garden has been successful in making the most of the challenging aspect. This garden exemplifies the possibilities of growing your own food for the beginner or the most experienced gardener.